Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cara letak LinkWithin untuk blogspot

LinkWithin sangat best sebab:
- dipaparkan dalam bentuk thumbnails so dapat menarik perhatian orang untuk klik-klik post kita
- dengan ini ia dapat meningkatkan trafik!

So, cane nak letak benda ni:

1) Pegi website nih

 Isi semua maklumat di atas
Tick pada box "my blog has light text on a dar background" kalau layout blog korang kaler gelap
Then "klik get widget!"

2) Klik add widget

3) Heret dan letak box Linkwithin di bawah Blog post

  4) Tekan button save dan taraaaa..........da siap!

Kacang jek kannnnn...

Credit to

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dilema seorang doktor PART I

Physicians' Top 20 Ethical Dilemas
Medscape 2010 Physical Ethics Survey

*Komen dari doktor yang berwarna merah

"I once had a terminal patient who wanted to see his granddaughter before he died, so I prolonged his intravenous therapy for 3 days until she arrived. He died the same night."
"Some families have completely unrealistic expectations, despite my educational efforts. I would give continued care, but not happily."
"I do not have the right to determine futile unless the patient is brain dead. Futility is a matter of opinion. We all will die eventually."
"I would not recommend it if I thought it was futile, but I would give it if that is what the patient or the family wanted."
"Why waste money and time when results are nil?"
"I would do this if I felt it would give the family time to accept the inevitability of death."

"I do not participate in active withdrawal of such intrinsic life-sustaining needs. The family could find another physician if they feel so strongly."
"It depends on what you mean by 'premature.' I would feel differently if death is imminent and there's no hope, and the quality of life is poor rather than if there's no hope but some quality, or if there is some hope but the quality of life is lousy. I'd always try to think, what would the patient want."
"Not if the family insisted, but if the patient insisted on it, I would."
"This is why hospitals have ethics boards. I would refer cases like these to experts."

"I think we do this all the time, with patients coming in with viral urinary tract infections who want antibiotics because they think it is the only thing that will help them."
"Lying to patients about treatments is never OK."
"I'm experienced enough to know that I can't help everyone, and I'm egosyntonic with being the occasional disappointment to my patients."
"A placebo produces a 30% improvement in some studies."
"Why not save money and risk for adverse effects by just prescribing placebos in cases when medications are clearly not indicated?"

"Pain should not be undertreated, and what's the problem with a terminal patient being addicted and comfortable?"
"Pain is undertreated all the time in my city. There is a great deal of fear of the Drug Enforcement Administration and reluctance to use narcotics even when they are indicated. Studies show that addiction is seldom an issue if the pain is real."
"I would never undertreat a patient's genuine pain. I would withhold narcotics from a chronically addicted patient who is presenting with a questionable painful condition (eg, back pain or toothache) and offer nonnarcotic alternatives."
"Having been sanctioned by an out-of-control, vindictive state medical board, such things aren't even in the purview of ethics, but rather a survival mechanism for my ability to continue practicing."

"Most of the time, I tell them exactly as it is; they need to know the truth, and who am I to judge what they should or shouldn't know? However, if the patient is very frail emotionally and physically and has a very supportive family, I may not."
"It's not about hiding information. It's learning how to talk to patients and giving bad news in the best way possible. All the information should be given, but any positive that exists should be also talked about."
"The truth, delivered with compassion, is a gift."
"I think patients deserve total honesty from their physician. They want to know."
"An elderly patient who is senile will not understand, benefit, or prepare, so it is senseless to inform them. However, a family member, next of kin, or whoever is the health proxy will be notified."

"Cover-ups are never OK."
"Everyone makes mistakes, but physicians are punished for their mistakes. I don't believe in covering up information, but in today's litigious society, a simple mistake could cost a physician his or her license."
"The more open the physician is about mistakes, the more acceptable mistakes will be to the patients."
"Why make a mountain out of a molehill if it will cause the patient more emotional upset than simply not saying anything, as long as no physical harm has occurred?"
"Do I balance the potential harm to a patient vs the potential harm to myself in publicly announcing 'a mistake'? Yes."
"I own up to all mistakes I make, but I explain their impact or lack thereof."

"I would, but I would contact an attorney first."
"Yes, but I would tend to seek out advice from a risk manager or more seasoned physician for help in how to reveal the mistake."
"I will reveal any mistakes, especially those that could harm a patient. That is the morally correct thing to do."
"We take an oath to do no harm. Covering up is a form of lying."
"If revealing the mistake won't change the management and it has not yet caused any harm, I think a wait-and-see approach is OK."

"Often, defensive medicine is sloppy medicine. A chart note explaining care is often a better defense."
"Some patients want reassurance, and in some cases, testing helps to prevent further unnecessary medical care."
"Yes, it's acceptable: A jury of 12 men will always be found by an enterprising trial lawyer that will find you guilty of not doing all you could have done."
"We must get away from 'I-did-this-to-protect-myself' medicine. It is costly and exposes the patient to added, unnecessary risks."
"I consider it a criminal act."

"A competent patient who has been adequately medically informed and has a terminal condition that makes his or her life miserable with no chance of cure or amelioration should be allowed to look into all options. We may not agree with it, but we have no right to legislate anyone into intractable suffering."
"Palliative care is one thing, but suicide is not within the scope of acceptable physician behavior."
"I do not believe in assisted suicide, but I do believe in withdrawal of support. If the patient is terminally ill and suffering and there is absolutely no hope to survive, then I withdraw the support (eg, antibiotic treatment, blood testing, or transfusions)."

"As a profession, medicine cannot allow those who are impaired by any reason to expose patients to danger."
"I would not report him to the board, but I would consider talking to a superior. The board is not designed to help, rather to punish and demonstrate their 'value.'"
"I would like to think I would, but it has happened when I did and didn't."
"I would, but only after firm warning that this is my intent and after multiple discussions with this impaired colleague."
"I have done so and consider it an act of love. A year after having done so, the physician and spouse both thanked me."

Cara letak button retweet untuk blogspot

Image: Google

Senang jek rupanya. All you need is the html code.

1) Login account blogger

2) Klik Design/Layout==>Edit HTML==>klik kotak expand widget templates

3) Tekan Ctrl+F dan cari ni

4) Kalau nak letak button retweet di sebelah kiri guna code di bawah ni

5) Untuk letak button retweet di sebelah kanan

6) Tukar 'user_name_twitter_Anda' dengan username twitter anda.
Senang jek kannnn...

Selamat mencuba!!!

Kredit to asas-blogger

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cara letak button LIKE Facebook untuk blogspot

 Aku tengok ramai letak benda ni kat blog. Rupa-rupanya senang jek nak letak benda ni.
Follow steps kat bawah ni. Mesti tak sesat punya. InsyaAllah...

1) Pegi ke Dashboard ==> Design ==> Edit HTML

2) Klik pada Expand Widget Templates

3) Cari data:post.body (Tekan Ctrl+f untuk cari)

4) Masukkan kod di bawah SELEPAS data:post.body

5) Preview untuk lihat hasil. Kalau puas hati bleh la tekan  butang SAVE TEMPLATES

Kredit untuk Liyana Lunia.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

10 tips menghadapi banjir. Wajib baca!

Tips ni berdasarkan pengalaman aku sendiri
yang menjadi salah seorang mangsa banjir di utara semenanjung ni.

Bila ada orang buat announcement air dijangka naik setinggi bla..bla.. jangan kelam kabut merintih bagai. Kalau panik jugak tarik nafas dalam-dalam. Biasalah kalau tiba-tiba teringat movie 2012. Jangan over. Be realistic. Movie dengan real world lain.

Semestinya bukan semua collection baju dan kasut. Kalau kete muat semua collection tu bleh jek nak usung.

Barang-barang yang MESTI bawa:
a) Baju untuk stok seminggu
b) Makanan yang tahan lama macam instant food, biskut, roti, instant drinks (bawa air masak banyak2)
c) Selimut, bantal, tikar, toto
d) Buaian (kalau anak tdo dalam buai)
e) Toileteries
f) Susu anak (sangat beruntung orang yang breastfeeding)
g) Thermos nak isi air panas
h) Cerek elektrik
i) Dokumen penting- IC. surat beranak, buku bank/tabung haji, geran rumah/tanah/kereta
j) Mug, sudu, mangkuk/pinggan

3) Kalau ada kereta lebih dari sebijik selamatkan kereta tersebut dengan meletak di tempat yang kompem takkan banjir seperti bukit, gunung atau highover highway/jalan

4) Tinggikan barang-barang.
Gunakan apa sahaja peralatan yang water resistant untuk selamatkan barang-barang contohnya batu-bata, meja/kerusi plastik, meja/kerusi kayu solid, meja/kerusi besi. Kalau tak de nak pi beli pon ok sangat. Sebab kerusi plastik murah jek. (Tips ni untuk kawasan yang paras air naik tak tinggi. Kalau paras air lebih 1 meter minta maafla yer)

5) Pastikan basuh semua baju busuk di basuh siap-siap. Sebab semasa/selepas banjir bekalan air bersih tak de/kurang

6) Tutup lubang-lubang pada semua pintu tak kira la pintu masuk @ pintu dapur @ pintu bilik dengan kain. Penting sangat benda ni untuk mengelakkan binatang macam ular @ serangga kecil masuk rumah semasa banjir. Selain tu ia jugak dapat melambatkan pergerakan air masuk ke dalam rumah.

7) Tutup suis utama dalam rumah sebelum tinggalkan rumah.

8) Kosongkan peti sejuk
Makanan yang tak tahan lama akan menyebabkan peti sejuk korang busuk. Yer la. Semasa banjir biasanya bekalan elektrik takde.

Jangan fikir- alaaa... kat sini air biasanya naik paras buku lali jek. So kete selamat jek kat sini. Barang-barang tak yah angkat tinggi-tinggi. Ingat!! Banjir tahun ni menunjukkan tempat-tempat yang biasanya air naik paras betis akhirnya air naik paras pinggang. Tempat yang tak pernah banjir pon bleh banjir. So tak rugi bersiap-sedia dari awal. So that kita akan dapat menerima kenyataan dengan seadanya kalau keadaan lebih teruk dari jangkaan. Harta benda pon selamat. Sorang member yang baru beli peugeot akhirnya ketenya itu minum air banjir dengan jayanya sebab berfikiran alaaaaaaa nih la.

10) Belajarlah dari pengalaman.
Semua orang tahu banjir besar di utara pernah terjadi masa 2005. Memang betul banjir tahun ni lebih teruk berbanding 2005. Tapi ada sesetengah pihak tidak belajar dari pengalaman lalu dan bersikap tunggu dan lihat jek. Aku akan bagi contoh pasal benda ni dalam entry lain.